Proverbs 26
all have those verses in the Bible that have long baffled us. Amongst
those, for me, one that persisted for a good number of years is found
in Proverbs 26.
not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him
yourself. 5Answer
a fool
according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes. (Proverbs
verses seemed to present me with two options, or two ways of handling
a fool, depending on the situation. In other words, in some cases you
need to follow verse four and not answer the fool according to his
folly, while in other cases you need to answer the fool according to
his folly. But frankly, that wasn't very helpful, because it didn't
offer any help in discerning which time was which.
it dawned on me one day as I was reading these for more than the
100th time, that they were much more helpful than I
originally perceived. These verses indeed present us with two
options: not two ways of handling a fool depending on the situation;
rather, two ways of handling a fool depending on the outcome you
desire. And of course the outcome that the writer of Proverbs is
calling for is obvious.
way of handling a fool who comes at you in his folly will result in
you being like him yourself. Another way of answering a fool in his
folly is that he remains wise in his own eyes. Now that presents me
with a choice: Which is worse: For me to become the fool also, or for
the fool to remain wise in His own eyes?
When assailed by a fool my pride screams, “I can't let them get
away with that.” And so, unless the Lord restrains my folly, I
enter into the same folly as the fool himself, becoming like him
myself. I may go home in my own pride thinking, “I told him!
Showed him what a fool he is.” He is no longer wise in his own
eyes—or so I think within myself. In all reality, the fool leaves
thinking he is just as right as he thought when he came. But my pride
is satisfied because it had its day, and I too have become the fool.
way of handling the fool who comes at me in his folly results in him
being wise in his own eyes. This way involves my pride being put to
death—not being allowed to assert itself defending me. It is the
way Jesus responded to his accusers: “Jesus
remained silent.” (Matthew
In the next scene of trial before Pilate we read,
he was accused by the chief priests and the elders, he gave no
answer. Then Pilate asked him, "Don't you hear the testimony
they are bringing against you?" But Jesus made no reply, not
even to a single charge—to
the great amazement of the governor.” (Matthew
His accusers remained wise in their own eyes...for the moment. But
Jesus wasn't concerned to win the moment. He was concerned to please
the Father and win in His Father's eyes. Peter explains that to us in
Peter 2:23.
they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he
suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him
who judges justly.
did not become like the fools! Rather he remained wise and entrusted
Himself to the Father. He followed the advice of this riddle in
Proverbs becoming our wisdom and not succumbing to our folly in order
that He might save us. And we are called to follow His example (1
Peter 2:21).
confronted by the folly of a fool we have a choice: 1) become like
Him by responding in like manner, or 2) allowing him to remain wise
in his own eyes, for the moment, by trusting in the Father and
remaining kind, gracious and loving. When he slaps us on one cheek,
verbally, we are to turn to him the other also.
course Jesus gives us a clue as to how to do this. On the cross he
prayed, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they
are doing." (Luke
23:34) The only way we can successfully walk through
this is to realize that we too once did not understand, that we too
once were fools in our folly pursuing folly, when God, in His great
mercy, opened our eyes to the Gospel and we saw our foolishness and
turned to Christ. That person berating you is not your real enemy.
You can pray for them and forgive them.
I can't do this on my own. I must, must, must spend time with the
Savior in prayer prior to any such encounter in order to have kept my
pride in check and for it to no longer be the fool who lives, but
Christ living in me (Galatians 2:20). Otherwise I will fall into this
temptation and become the fool.
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