Reading: Luke 15–16
is easy to recognize the connection between the parables of Luke 15.
They might be easily summarized as the parables on the lost sheep,
the lost coin, and the lost son. Three things that were lost and
found. Each refers to the joy that heaven has over the repentance of
lost sinners (see Luke 15:7, 10, 23,24, 32). Something I had not
recognized prior to my reading this morning is a significant connection between
the parable of the prodigal son and the parable of the
dishonest steward which immediately follows it in Luke 16:1-13.
This connection is
first evidenced by the description of what was done wrong:
long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for
a distant country and there squandered
(dieskorpisen) his
wealth in wild living.
(Luke 15:13)
when this son of yours who has squandered (devoured:
kataphagon) your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the
fattened calf for him!'
(Luke 15:30)
told his disciples: "There was a rich man whose manager was
accused of wasting (squandering: diaskorpidzo)
his possessions. (Luke
The prodigal son
squandered his wealth in wild
living, later described as devouring this wealth on prostitutes. The
dishonest steward squandered the possessions of his master.
Secondly, this
connection is evident in their acknowledgment of their wrong.
In each case they ask what might be described as a “What
shall I do now?” kind
of question. In the case of the prodigal son, those words aren't
explicit, but implicit (Luke 15:17-19). They are explicit in the
case of the dishonest manager (Luke 16:3-4). Each of them
recognized their guilt and the desperation of their precarious state.
In recognizing this, they gave
up figuring things out on their own, and put their fate in the hands
of others—the prodigal son put his in the hands of the father; the
dishonest steward into the hands of the debtors. This is a “What
shall we do?” kind of question.
records many “what shall we do?” kinds of questions. Recall the
response of the people to Peter's sermon on the day of Pentecost in
Acts 2:37. What we must do in light of Christ's coming? light
of our sin? light of eternity? These “what
shall I do?” kinds of questions are a theme throughout
Luke's 2 volume writing (Luke
3:10-14; 10:25-26; 12:17; 18:18; Acts 2:37-38; 9:6; 16:30). This is
a question that each of us must ask when we realize our own guilt
before the holy God and the desperation of our precarious state. We
have squandered what God has given us; we have wasted what we were
given; we are without an eternal home, we have no ability to provide
one for ourselves. We must humble ourselves before the
Lord and ask, “What shall I now do?”
In another place,
Luke records the wrong way to answer that question (Luke
12:16-21). There the Lord had blessed a man with abundant
possessions and he asked himself the question, “What shall I do?”
His answer?
is what I'll do. I
will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store
my surplus grain.
I'll say to myself, "You have plenty of grain laid up for many
years. Take
life easy; eat, drink and be merry."'
sounds like an advertisement for a financial management company.
Keep in mind, it wasn't that this man had barns for storage, it
was that his need, instead of his generosity, increased dramatically
with the Lord's blessing. When the Lord adds to you, which of
those increases most: your need or your generosity?
of us may think the next verse should read, “And the Lord
said, 'Is that your final answer?' So the man rethought his
answer....” However, the next verse reads,
God said to him, 'You
fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you.
Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?' 21"This
is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is
not rich toward God."
parable serves those of us who read it as God's question for us, “Is
that your final answer?” Like the man in this
parable, and the dishonest steward, we have been fools, and have
wasted what has been entrusted to us. What must I now do? We must
throw ourselves on the mercy of God (Acts 2:38), we must put our fate
in His hands, we must become rich toward God (Luke 12:21), and that
richness toward God will be expressed in a richness to those who are
in need (Luke 16:4) just as God has been rich toward us in our need.
Freely we have received; freely we give.
isn't only about money. We have been entrusted with the grace of
God in the Gospel, we have been given forgiveness of our sins. How
are we doing in giving away forgiveness? God has been rich toward
us; are we lavishing forgiveness and forbearance on others? Or do we
make them pay even though they've repented? There are so many ways
in which God has entrusted to us His wealth; are we being faithful
with what we've been given? When
we want to hold someone's sin against them, though they've repented,
we ought to hear the question, “Is that your final answer?” What shall I now do?
Love the Gospel, Live
the Gospel, Advance the Gospel,
David · 196 weeks ago
JMCisar 48p · 161 weeks ago
Guest · 183 weeks ago
thanks for the comments on the subject.
JMCisar 48p · 161 weeks ago
Domains 48p · 161 weeks ago
Roger · 157 weeks ago
JMCisar 48p · 121 weeks ago